WHMCS add-ons can add more functionalities to your site enabling you to reach the intended target for your online business. It helps you in engaging with your prospective and existing customers so that you can develop better customer relationship. It also make your site more user friendly and increase the conversion rate of your site. The following are the top 5 WHMCS add-ons for your web hosting business.



Premade KB

Premade KB offers ready made knowledge base for a variety of platforms including WordPress, WHMCS, Blesta, HostBill and ClientExec. It was created for the convenience of online businesses who don't want to outsource the creation of the knowledgebase articles. The knowledgebase features 269 articles. They regularly add new articles to the knowledgebase whenever there are some updates to the platforms. On the product page, it claims that it will be adding another 50-100 articles soon. The last update which is v1.7, occurred on the 4th November 2017.

The tutorials are written in clear step by step instruction. There are screenshots for the clients to reference in case they don't understand what the instruction is talking about. Premade KB is suitable for web development and hosting companies. You can purchase Premade KB by paying a $51 onetime fee. If you want to download the new articles they recently added,  you must pay a $15/year upgrade price. Upgrade in the first 6 months is free.



WHMCS Gift Card Module

WHMCS Gift Card Module allows you to issue a gift code which your customer can enter in checkout to receive a discount. The gift code can be created from your dashboard. You can issue the same discount code to as many customers as you want. You can list the gift code as a gift voucher and sell it on your online store. In the WHMCS Email Template section, you have the option to create a custom template for the gift card. The admin can automatically award free credits into the account of new customers just like big companies.

There are 2 types of gift codes including gift code that can be used only once and gift code that can be used by unlimited customers. Each customer is allowed to apply the gift code once. If you want to stop the promotion, you can remove the gift code from your dashboard. From the dashboard, you will be able to see what gift codes are active. To use the gift code, the client must have at least 1 transaction.




Tawk.to is a free live chat app that allows you to have live chat sessions with your website visitors. Having a live chat feature on your  online store can increase the conversion rate of your web hosting products. Someone who is visiting yout site may have a question and he can just conveniently enter into chat with a representative to ask about the web hosting plan he is interested.

You can install tawk.to live chat app on as many sites as you want and manage them on a single dashboard. Whenever someone enter into a chat, you can see the notification from the dashboard and reply immediately. The dashboard offers detailed statistics including active chats, and return visitors. Tawk.to is compatible with Windows, Mac OSX, Android and iOS. The app can be integrated as a widget on your WordPress blog. Up to date, more than 250K companies are using tawk.to on their websites.



SMS Manager

SMS Manager is an advanced SMS system add-on that let you set up automatic SMS alerts for your clients. The add on is useful if your site offers membership services where clients can login into their accounts. It is also suitable for online stores that regularly generate invoice to bill the customers, for example, hosting/domain registration store. It supports 2 factor authentication in which a code is sent to your phone when you login with your username and password. The two factor authentication works with the clients and admins. There will be a prompt that ask you for the code. If you enter the correct code, you can proceed to the account dashboard.

You can send automated SMS to your clients for almost every occasion for example invoice paid, unauthorized login to client's account, invoice overdue, domain registration/renewal, client login/registration/password change, admin reply to ticket and etc. SMS Manager is compatible with Clickatell, Text Marketer and BUlkSMS. The license costs $21.99. The renewal fee of $10 applies at the end of the year.



Fraud Record

Fraud Record is a free WHMCS add-on that allows you to detect fraud clients that are violating the company rules so that you can have them removed from your database. If you know a client that is cheating, you can easily find it in the database by entering the email address, IP, and name of the client. It will scan the clients' activities and provide you with a detailed report. You can decide yourself what action to take after reviewing the report.

In your account, you can access a feature called the report manager which lets you submit new threads about any misbehavior of a client. The feature should only be used when you don't have a compatible billing system. Hostbill is a compatible billing system which you can use to block misbehaving clients automatically and carry out manual interrogation with the client. You must first register an account with Fraud Record in order to download the add-on.


In conclusion, these add-ons are not to be overlooked if you are running a web hosting business. They are essential in order to keep your customers happy and satisfied with your services. Happy customers is equivalent to return customers that will keep renewing their hosting with you and help your web hosting business to grow bigger.